Welcome to the Lake Erie Shores Community Web Site
Management Company
Contact Information:
Guardian Association Management, LLC
The Bloch Building
2310 Superior Ave, Suite #120
Cleveland, OH 44114
Bob Guarino - b.guarino@guardianclev.com or call the office
at 216-905-4740.
Looking for our Facebook pages?
There are two unofficial closed groups you can ask to join.
- A general discussion group - Lake Erie Shores Painesville Ohio (residents of Lake Erie Shores only)
- Looking to buy or sell something from or to a neighbor? - LES Virtual Garage Sale
Lake Erie Shores Events
July Fourth Parade
Who doesn't like a parade? Wear your Red, White & Blue and decorate your bike for the big parade. More details to come later.
July 4th, 2025
LES Residents Only Event
Have an HOA related event you want us to publicize?
Use the Contact Us form to send a message, to our webmaster.